I first helped myself by losing seventy-five pounds over 23 years ago.
Do you desire to be truly free from the Diet & Exercise Industry?
I've helped hundreds of women get permanently fit and healthy by ditching the Diet & Exercise Industry.
You can do it, too.

Complete "How-to" Training
Eat, Train, And Deepen Your Relationship With God.

Can you imagine a scenario where you have...
Complete freedom from food and exercise rules without guilt or worry?
Ability to easily and simply live at your ideal weight and fitness level instead of being on-and-off endlessly?
Learn from an experienced teacher who has been where you are? Who knows and understands the struggle of losing weight instead of someone who has always been thin and fit?
Have access to a program that has maintenance built in so you no longer worry about regaining lost weight? And one that is tailored to your body as a woman age 40+?
No longer use programs that focus on trying to make you look younger when all you want is to actually feel younger?

Rapelling a waterfall in Hawaii at age 49
Get in Touch
Contact us for more information.